I too am a Rush Baby (term used for someone who grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh). I did not find out about the Q Op until after I saw the 2020 election stolen in my face and I went digging for answers. I think Rush was involved somehow. He was always talking about going to super-secret meetings, he was instrumental in getting the Republican base to vote for Trump in the 2016 primaries, and he was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Trump. The media and the Left were always trying to destroy him. There just seems to be more to Rush Limbaugh than we know. I would not be surprised to learn he was involved in some way, not just used, in "The Plan".

The bitter-sweet part is, I think Rush needed to exit when he did so that many of his followers, to some extent including myself, could start looking around for other sources of info. I look forward to enjoying a cigar with Rush someday on the other side while discussing this amazing time we are living through.